At a Glance


What is an automatic Screw Driving solution?

A Screw Driving Robot is a fully automated system that performs a designated task, set by a custom program, with the utmost precision and repeatability. Each program may have its own screw driving profile. Base robots feature a 3-Axis high precision motion gantry, with accurate, adjustable controls. Various types of Torque Drivers, Power Supplies, Torque Monitoring Controls, and Auto Screw Feeders are available.

What are the advantages?

  1. Return on Investment - PROMATION offers the best value in Robotic Screw Driving Solutions and customers often see a ONE YEAR Return on Investment!

  2. Low Cost of Ownership - These machines are some of the most competitively priced systems on the market. As the base systems are priced competitively, so are the accessory items that may need to be added to the base system to drive performance.

  3. Highly Efficient - Robotic work stations require a minimal amount of operator involvement after they have been installed and programmed. In most production settings, one operator can be responsible for loading, supervising, and unloading two robots. One trained operator can man multiple machines, thus, eliminating the cost of several operators completing the same process by hand, with variances in quality.

  4. Versatility - Being the largest robot supplier in North America has its perks. We offer the largest variety of robotic platforms; ranging from entry level, basic, solutions to large working area, complex, full production work cells. Virtually no job is too large, or too small!


What we offer:

Besides our basic table-top systems, we also offer various Torque Drivers, Torque Monitoring Solutions, and Auto Screw Feeders; Air Pass-through (Blow Type) and Vacuum (Pick & Place Type) to meet the demands of a wide range of applications. PROMATION USA is also proud to offer a complimentary applications testing; contact us today to learn more!

*We specialize in Custom Solutions! Many different configurations are available so please feel free to contact us with any questions!*


Compatible Screw Types: